Spotlight Initiative Interventions and Impacts in Sokoto State

* Through a multi-sectoral interventions, the Sokoto State VAPP Bill was reviewed, updated and passed by the State House of Assembly and assented to by the Governor and has become the Sokoto state VAPP Law being a legal framework based on evidence and international human rights standards prohibiting all forms of violence against women.
* 280 Social workers/Security /Para Security Agencies acquired Skills to provide Professional Case management services to survivors (Girls and Women)
* Enrolled 2,731 learners into the 45 new Spotlight Initiative second chance education learning centers. Among those enrolled in Sokoto State are 1,411 women and 974 girls, 346 boys, 199 GBV Survivors and 51 persons with disability.
* Enhanced Skills Data Officers: Skills and capabilities of data officers in reporting, documentation, analysis, and information sharing among implementing CSOs have improved.
* The strategic partnerships through the adopted Ten Pillar Strategy (TPP) increased partners from 60 groups in phase I to 274 groups in phase II in Sokoto.