EU-UN Spotlight Initiative Nigeria 2022 Country Programme

* EU-UN Spotlight Initiative in Nigeria directly reached 256,792 young people with Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, & Gender-Based Violence prevention information; & engaged with 1,535 faith-based/ religious leaders in 2022.
* Strengthened and developed, gender-sensitive laws and legislation (Pillar 1: Policies and Legislation and Pillar 2: Institutions): Great progress has been made in the fight against violence against women and girls (EVAWG) through the provision of technical support to the development and strengthening of legislative and policy frameworks.
* Improved access to services, information collection, and GBV data use (Pillar 4: Services and Pillar 5: Data): One of the most laudable achievements of the Spotlight initiative in 2022, has been the expansion of the National GBV Data Situation Room and Dashboard in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs Nigeria (FMOWA).
* Civil society engagement and leadership to prevent violence (Pillar 3: Prevention and Pillar 6: Women’s Movements and Civil Society): The remarkable progress made by the women's movement in Nigeria is truly inspiring.
* Pillar 3 - The prevention efforts against violence against girls have been significantly increased at the community level through various activities. These activities included sustained community engagements and advocacy, sensitization, and engagement of 1,535 faith-based and religious leaders, establishment of 217 new community surveillance team members, and 15 new teams in Adamawa state and Sokoto.