Spotlight Initiative Interventions and Impacts in Adamawa State

* Capacity Building of 162 Law Enforcement Agents in Adamawa, on Prevention and Responses to SGBV/VAWG/HP and SRHR: The trained officers all came from their respective gender desks and as such, the knowledge impacted to them was practical and have been put to use in their day-today activities.
* Conviction rates of GBV law violators have increased significantly with more than 8 0 % since the passage of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Bill
* 9,034 women and girls, including boys and men benefitted from the second chance education programme. However, 6269 of them completed the programme.
* Psychosocial Support for survivors strengthened and their mental health and wellbeing improved.
* Establishment of a Forensic Laboratory at the Modibbo Adama University of Technology to handle and analyse both survivor’s and perpetrator’s specimen samples received from the One-Stop Centre.
* Established Adamawa State GBV Situation Room and Dashboard where data is collected and harmonised and evidence-based decisions are made, and service gap or data gap are tracked easily.
* 30 social workers/PWDs from 21 LGAs trained on sign-language by Ministry of Women Affairs and Social development